Bragging Rights

Raw vs Smackdown Divas Match: Melina, Gail Kim & Kelly Kelly vs Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix & Natalya

This should be be a no brainier. Any team with Kelly Kelly loses.
Winner: Smackdown Stanks

IC Title vs US Title: John Morrison vs The Miz

Rivals turned friends and now back to rivals. This match is a long time coming. Both have been on a hot streak latly and while coneventional wisdom places money on Morrison Ill side with the Miz on this one. The loss here won't hurt Morrison but would the Miz and likewise Miz would get a bigger benefit off of a victory where as it's expected of Morrison.
Winner: chick magnet

World Heavyweight Title Fatal Four Way Match: Undertaker vs Batista vs Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk

Any time you have four guys that leaves a lot of room for surprises, like betrayals, heel turns and clusterfucks. This one though dose have a fun dynamic but in contrast to physical size, styles and personalities. It would be fun to see a line up of the four competitors with the 7 foot tall undertaker, a slightly smaller but still huge Batista, average sized punk and itty bity rey. The personalities are as decidedly different as their sizes clash as much as their wrestling styles. The Champion a man of few words like Batista but shares the theatrical style of Rey Mysterio. He also likes to punish the wicked like CM Punk . As for the match I expect to see the Batista and undertaker to both go after punk and may end up getting in each others ways, and punk to use the distraction to go after the man shorter than himself. Punk and Undertaker have their submission feud going on so expect that to continue here. Smart money is on Punk getting Rey to tap, but I'm feeling a little stupid. Rey will out sneak punk and bring home the gold.
Winner Rey Jr.

WWE Title Iron Man Match: Randy Orton vs John Cena

The eternal rivalry reaches its climax so we must be at the end of time. These are probably the last two I want to see go at it for an hour especially if time ends. I'll make this short in order to compensate for the match. While Cena on smackdown would be a fun swerve and I never underestimate McMahns hatred for smackdown, Cena will not leave Raw. Rhodes will probably come out to help cena but then Dibiase will neutralize him, leading to a fued between Dibiase and Orton maybe they'll make it interesting as a three way and throw in Rhoades.
Loser: The fans

Raw Team vs Smackdown Team: HHH, HBK, Big Show, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry & Cody Rhodes vs Chris Jericho, Kane, Matt Hardy, David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, Finlay & R-Truth

HHH and friends vs jerichos army of evil doom. I smell a rat. Cuz a member of raw is really a part of jerichos army and his name is show.Big Show. I expect I'm to turn immediately and the match becomes an everyman for himself.


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