New Show Ideas

Bootlegs- Its hard to have any meaningful matches like title changes at shows very few people will see, yet house shows remain a major part of business for promotions. What if a promotion filmed all their shows and took all the best house show matches and put them together in a show. This would add an element of excitement to all house shows while making sure great matches that would remain hidden are seen. To keep will the theme and cost down they could use handheld cameras.

Face 2 Face- A few years ago Wrestling Society X tried the impossible, have a wrestling show that only lasted half an hour an episode. Maybe it isn't impossible, maybe its a good way to get talent over. Have only one match an episode and before each match give each wrestler a 3-6 minute bio. this would be a good way to get new fans invested in a wrestler without intimidating them with the amount of soap opera backstory going on at the time.


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