Guest Hosts

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As we embark on another Monday Night Raw special guest host, I feel it's time I express my thoughts on the whole concept. I must say that after Vince bought Raw back from Donald Trump and he adopted the guest host idea, I enjoyed it to a certain point. Something different every once in awhile is a good thing in show business, but I must say that it's getting a little stale now. It seems like the hosts keep booking the same kind of matches (normally in the favor of the good guys). Most of these hosts admit they are huge wrestling fans but a majority of them pronounce some the wrestlers names wrong. I think this idea would have worked better in a sporadic time table. I would say appear on the episode of Raw before or directly right after a pay per view. That way it doesn't interfere in any kind of storyline build-ups.

The only two hosts that left an impression in my mind was Shaq, who over powered the Big Show and made SportsCenter headlines; and Trish Stratus, who got involved in some in ring action of her own by throwing around some divas. Big Ben and Bob Barker had good appearances as well but nothing impressive. Dusty Rhodes had a nice little twist at the end of his appearance by helping out Legacy but it was ruined in my mind by next week since Cody didn't even do anything to defend his father. I mean it wouldn't hurt Legacy if Rhodes or DiBiase would confront the leader (Orton) every once in awhile and have the master of the RKO put them back in their place by striking fear in their fragile hearts.

I think the guest host idea was brought upon with good intentions but has been on a downward spiral for some time. Vince can revive this concept by having Stone Cold, Ric Flair, or The Rock appear soon. I know it must be hard for them to find top celebrities to agree to host Raw but people don't watch wrestling to see the people on the cover of Star magazine. We watch because the wrestlers are celebs in our eyes already. Vince should come back to Raw on a regular basis (and stay off of SD because why ruin a good thing) and announce a new guest host every few weeks to run his job. Oh and don't get me started on allowing the hosts to do a multi-brand divas trade. How about next time make it a storyline for the switch from brand to brand.

Until Next Time...


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