WWE US Title Match: Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz vs. Jack Swagger

I expect Miz and Swagger will gang up on kofi who'll be playing face in pearl for the whole match he'll be resilient but the odds are too great. Swagger will be the dominate wrestler in this match and the miz will be sneaky. As i said we should expect some team work from swagger and the miz but when kofi seems out of it they ll turn on each other expect the miz to be the first to turn. As for the outcome i expect the miz to sneak a roll up on swagger to win his first singles title in the wwe
Winner: The Chick Magnet by roll up.

WWE IC Title Match: John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler

This will be an athletic match between the two fastest rising stars on Smackdown. While Zigger is posed to win intercontinetal gold... just not Sunday. Morrison has a date with either swagger or the miz at bragging rights and Ziggler could use the wait. Ziggler will look strong but there is no shame in losing to The Friday Night Delight.
Winner: The Shaman of Sexy

WWE Divas Title Match: Mickie James vs. Alicia Fox

This wont last 5 minutes. While I think they re trying to push Alicia shes not ready for the belt and Mickie will face the only other women who's held both the wwe woman's and divas championships at bragging rights.
Winner:My Pan- I mean Mickie

Unified Tag Team Title Match: Chris Jericho and The Big Show vs. Batista and Rey Mysterio

Sleeper for match of the night and don't be surprised if another party shows up *cough mvp henry cough*.
Chris Jericho Big show have a long and strong reign fitting a team of two of the most accomplished wrestlers of all time. Still even with their greatness they may of found a match in Big Dave and Little Rey. Rey is faster than Jericho and a higher flyer who's had a little ah vacation and is all rested up. Show however is BIGGER than Dave and more powerful though Dave like Rey should be fresher coming back from an injury. While Rey and Dave may have more experience as a team they haven't tagged in a while while Rey and jr have been tagging the past 6 months. I expect Rey and Dave to win but only one set of titles due to the sneaky nature of Jericho.
Winners: Big Rey and Lil Dave

Hell in a Cell Match : DX vs. Legacy

This will be a close contest between the establishment "rebels" and the comparably Conservative uprising. These two teams have had quite a rivalry that both have seen victory and defeat. No one since rated Rko has been allo- I mean taken it to dx more than these guys. Still expect DX to have a victory if no other reason the old guard is good at guarding their place.
The Winners: The house always wins.

WWE Title Hell in a Cell Match: John Cena vs. Randy Orton

The champ is in hell with the viper. Will this manufactured legend be killed or will super Cena finally vanquish his long time foe. He will and it wont be pretty. Cena will survive hell and the viper eliminating the only major heel left on raw.
winner: You cant see me

World Title Hell in a Cell Match: CM Punk vs. The Undertaker

Phenom vs Punk will the dead man get cut by the straight edge? Yes. This should be a really good match albeit too soon for the hell in the cell. Its make it or beak it time with punk he needs the win here but The Deadman rarely gets defeated though and this is his yard. This wont be punks last ride as I expect him to have a clean victory here and he'll face supercena at Bragging Rights.
Winner:The only Strait Edge SuperStar


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