Hell In A Cell

As the first entry in this unique blog, I figured to I'd  post my prediction on this Sunday's Hell In A Cell ppv. The match listing as of right now (since we all know how Vinny Mac likes to make last minute changes) are as follows:

WWE US Title Match: Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz vs. Jack Swagger
I think Swagger takes this win after also dominating most of this match. It could help boost his career since he hasn't done anything since Raw stole him from ECW. Jack Swagger the All American American United States Champion, it has a nice ring to it.

WWE IC Title Match: John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler
Morrison needs to not only walk away from this match with the gold around his waist but also needs to put Ziggler over a the same time. These two could have a fairly nice fued for the upcoming months so there is no way it could end up being a squash match. 

WWE Divas Title Match: Mickie James vs. Alicia Fox 
I have to say Mickie only because I think Alicia is far too underdeveloped at this time to hold the title. 

Unified Tag Team Title Match: Chris Jericho and The Big Show vs. Batista and Rey Mysterio 
Not only do I predict Y2Show will retain the gold but I think this match could steal the ppv. Jericho and Rey Rey have been known to put on amazing matches and Mysterio will be well rested due to his recent suspension.

 Hell in a Cell Match : DX vs. Legacy  
Unfortunately I have predict DX walks away victorious but only because they've been putting Legacy over for the last few weeks. Plus DX is on the next ppv poster which gives me the reason to believe they'll be coming off a big win. 

WWE Title Hell in a Cell Match: John Cena vs. Randy Orton 
With the Bragging Rights ppv next month (Raw vs SD) I have to give the notch to Cena. This might give us a little break from the same match we've been seeing for the past 2 years. No more rematches with stupid gimmicks, please.  

World Title Hell in a Cell Match: CM Punk vs. The Undertaker  
Toughest call of the ppv. Punk has been so phenomenal as the title holder but we all know Taker is more than deserving to hold the gold for a little bit. I'm going to the coin flip on this one and will say CM Punk, the only straight edge champion, retains his title. It would be nice to see a clean finish as well.

Until next time.


Erickson on October 2, 2009 at 5:07 PM said...

On an addition note to this ppv, there has been no scheduled ECW title match. WTF?!?! Can Vince make that belt mean any less than he already has? Christian must feel like he's back in TNA all over again.

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