Bragging Rights

My predictions for the new WWE concept pay per view: Bragging Rights. A ppv to show which brand, RAW or SmackDown, holds superiority over the other show, along with two title matches.

Raw vs Smackdown Divas Match: Melina, Gail Kim & Kelly Kelly vs Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix & Natalya

I am going to swing my vote towards team Raw because I think there could be a good feud starting on the team SD side with Beth and Michelle. I see one of them costing the other the pin fall. If Mickie would have been apart of this match I would go the other way. The "good girls" walk away with the victory.
Winner- Raw Divas

IC Title vs US Title: John Morrison vs The Miz

Oh how all my wishes have come true with this long awaited match-up. It's time to see which superstar is greater in excellence since their departure from being a dominate tag team. This is a hard match to call a winner since I can see it going either way. Morrison gets the notch since I think Miz can work well with a loss to keep the feud going cause he is Awesome!
Winner- John "The Friday Night Delight" Morrison

World Heavyweight Title Fatal Four Way Match: Undertaker vs Batista vs Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk

I was surprised to see the Undertaker win the title at Hell in the Cell but I would be even more shocked to see him carry the belt for longer than a one ppv rein. It's nothing personal, it's his physical shape. I think it's time to see the belt return to the rightful owner... CM Punk. The straight edge superstar will probably get a screwy win by covering up someone like Rey after Taker gives him a last ride. Good champions always find ways to win.
Winner- CM Punk

WWE Title Iron Man Match: Randy Orton vs John Cena

Now this bout has some interesting stipulations in it. If Cena wins, Orton doesn't get another title rematch. If Orton wins, Cena must leave Raw for good. Well let me think about this... would Vince take his main cash cow off of his A brand show? No way. Cena gets the win but with help from none other than Ted DiBiase. That's right, this is the time for a face turn. I think Ted takes Orton out with just minutes to go in the 60 minute time limit match. Let's see how Cena holds up for this amount of time since he only has a limited amount of moves in his arsenal.
Winner- John Cena

Raw Team vs Smackdown Team: HHH, HBK, Big Show, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry & Cody Rhodes vs Chris Jericho, Kane, Matt Hardy, David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, Finlay & R-Truth

This is it... all the Bragging Rights in one big 7 on 7 match. Can the Raw team put it's differences aside to pull out the victory? I would normally never wager against DX but I must say that having the Big Show on opposite sides of Chris Jericho makes me wonder if the world's largest athlete will help out his Unified Tag Team partner when push comes to shove. I'm going with my under card pick of the night and taking team Smackdown. Every ounce of me says Raw will prevail but it also just seems too obvious. Go blue brand.
Winner- Team Smackdown

 Until Next Time...


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