Who Will Prevail?

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Announced last night on Raw, at the Bragging Rights pay per view, there will be a match that many have been anticipating for quite some time. The current Intercontinental Champion, John "Friday Night Delight" Morrison vs the new United States Champion, The Miz. I can't recall the last time that I have looked forward to a match between old friends (you can't count the Hardys feud because it was as dreadful as watching the Abe Washington Show). The Miz & Morrison are in the history books as one of the greatest tag teams of all time by holding both the WWE Tag Team and World Tag Team championships. Not only do these two competitors have in ring charisma but they are flawless with their promo skills.

This match could easily steal the show since they both have been putting on great performances as of late. I must give credit due to their time spent in ECW to develop their individual characters. Morrison has been stepping up his game every week on the blue brand by defeating not only legitimate future IC title holders such as Ziggler but also by defeating top performers like Rey Mysterio (to win the belt) and even CM Punk. The Miz has had a little bit more of an interesting time since his switch to team Raw. He even lost his job at one point a few months ago. But like all good heels do, he returned with a vengeance. You might even give credit to his recent success when he switched to the black trunks. I think it gives his character a more sophisticated look by taking a chapter out of Jericho's book. The Miz has had an excessive amount of matches with Kofi, Bourne, and even his lengthy and humorous feud with John Cena. He may have gotten his ass beaten a few times by the chain gang leader, but it was a good career building move.

In a sink or swim business like pro wrestling, catching the attention of the audience on a weekly basis is the only way to survive. These two have accomplished just that task. Once a great tag team... hilarious talk show hosts on The Dirt Sheet, for which they won a Slammy Award... both former Tough Enough competitors.. and potential future WWE/World Heavy title holders. The Miz and John Morrison will no doubt put on an exciting match-up. I can only hope Vince gives them the time frame to put on the performance that they are capable of. Let's hope this ppv match builds for a bigger and long lasting feud. My prediction leads towards Morrison for a clean win but The Miz is still Awesome!

Until Next Time...


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