Missed Opportunities: Knockout Tag Team Championship.

When I first herd TNA were going to create a women's tag division I was a little excited. I've always liked woman's wrestling and tag wrestling so put the two together great combo. Add that TNA started out pretty well with the knockout divison but lately it has become a train wreck this would have been a good way to return it to its rightful place especially with the return Scott Demoore who first led it to greatness in the first place. However things didn't turn out as well as I hoped.
For starters they rushed the tournament so they could get the finals on the ppv before the biggest ppv of the year. Yes, the powers that be rushed the creation of the first women's tag championship in a major American promotion in a quarter century so they could squeeze it in on a minor wrestling show that takes place 1 month before their largest show of the year, where generally important things like the creation of new titles should happen. TNA also only had one established woman's tag team at the time(ok,maybe 2 if you count Kong and Saeed), and they didn't bother to make sure the visa of the main wrestler in the team had her visa shit worked out. That's a bitch move TNA. So their remedy they just throw a bunch of women together showing just how much they care about the division. In the final nail of the coffin the longest match in the tournament was 5 minutes.
What I would have done if I wanted to, you know, make the titles to mean something is give the tournament a little time. Have Dixie Carter make the announcement of the new division at hard justice 2 months before before bound or Glory with one tournament match a week on impact for six weeks with the finals at Bound for glory. While I would put some random people together I would have also brought in some outside talent like maybe a team from a Japanese promotion like TNA did with No Limit earlier in the year. I would have also done everything possible to hire Trish Stratus and Lita to at least a short term contract and bring them in as a team. These two are easly the two most popular woman's wrestlers of the decade and both are pretty good in the ring. By bringing in these two ladies it instantly adds credibility and brings attention to the titles. I would make it so in the finals are a three way match between Trish and Lita, Kong and Saeed and the beautiful people with the beautiful people winning by pinning Saeed then have Trish and Lita get another shot at the next ppv. the final ingredient I would add would be something TNA seems to be fond of at Bound For Glory's in the past is a special guest enforcer. A certain female athlete who just became the first womans champion in her sport in the first Womans MMA match to main event a PPV, Chris Santos Cyborg.


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